Better than injustice
It is better than injustice to me because in injustice to get the strongest character your only choice is to pay money and even if you play for 4 HOURS STRAIGHT to get a lot of credits you probably have 70,000 RIGHT? and thats because the reward system is just baaaaaaad but Arkham origins is the complete opposite you can get the strongest suit for just playing a while and the reward system is better and you can have that without even paying 3 dollars but time for Arkham origins one flaw that is probably the worst decision for the game.the paying system for credits its pretty much the same paying system as injustice $2.99 for 15,000 credits but in Arkham origins you get rewarded more credits so you can play a mission that gives you 15,000 credits thats easy... Might want to lower the prices or make higher the reward but in my opinion I think this is better then injustice oh and wondering how I can play this game for a long time once you run out of stamina go into settings go to general select date and time and then you know what to do from there :D
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaplere about
Batman: Arkham Origins, v1.2.1